Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year Resolutions!
2. Get into 5S1 in 2011. [Hmm..]
3. Socialize more, that means, less quarelling with people, less criticizing, less shouting at people [sorry eepoh and kakak!] and of course spending more time with friends and family. I'll shut up about my cousin from 12 midnight tonight until 12 midnight on the 1st of January 2011. Until then, I'll make another one of these just to shut me up for years to come. [I don't think I can do that either. =( ]
4. Stop using plastic bags and be more 'prihatin terhadap isu-isu alam sekitar'. [Oh oh! This one's easy! I guess I should put easy ones in.] But there's so many plastic bags in the house, seriously. I think if houses were to rot, ours will be the slowest one because there're so MANY plastic bags around. [Lame.] And there'll be so many sea turtle bodies lying around. If this place were to be submerged in water. Sea turtles will be extinct, thanks to this house. [What a sad sight.] Hey, it isn't me.
5. Hmm.. Smile everyday? [Easy.]
6. Oh yeah. I've got one. Be more active in co-curricular activities. I got 16 marks for my club this year. Bummer. [Long story.]
7. Learn to relax and chill. Hve fun. Enjoy form 4 because I can't do so in form 5. =( Then pre-U it is! Yay! No Chinese! Hahahahahah. [This isn't effective till 12 midnight so...]
8. Seriously, I don't know what else to write. Hmm... Don't give up on things so easily? Nah.. That'll be too hard. Exercise more? [Help! I don't want to end up with diabetes!]
9. Diabetes is hereditary! Shit. Cut down on sugar intake. That means... HAAGEN DAZS!!! CHOCOLATE!!! No.. Please don't.. Please don't... Oh well, when I see this two things, yes, I do think of diabetes but you can't do that to me right? I mean... I mean.. *burst out crying*
10. Heheheh. I dunno. Read more? Try to improve languages [Yes I'm talking about Chinese again. But I'm not saying it out loud because if I fail... again... shit. Did I just say that out loud?] And BM. I would like to improve my English too. =)
So. That wraps it up. I may or may not follow this. Gosh. But I don't know why I'm writing this down. LOL. Easy way out. Write already don't want to follow.
I want to thank my parents and friends. ♥ you guys. Especially my parents. [Though I would really freak out if they were reading this. Its just very comforting to know that I wrote something about them even though I can't tell them that.] They're the best I could ever wish for. My friends too. Happy 2010 everyone! May this be a wonderful start for you guys!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
BTW, I'm not showing off. Since this is my blog, I'll write anything I want. Muahahahaha..
Anyway, since I'm free [means I've nothing better to do], I'll post a list of things I like.
1. What do you turn to when you're depressed? Haagen Dazs of course! Yeshh. Strawberry cheese cake is nice. Chocolate too. Note to self: NEVER have sorbet in Haagen Dazs ever again. Macadamia is my all time favourite! I just finished one pint in.. Emm.. 2 days? Better watch out though, they use full cream milk that's why it's so rich. FATS.
2. Cadbury chocolate. Best made in Australia. NEVER buy the ones made in Malaysia [Sorry, Malaysia]. NICCCEE!! Fatty.
3. Dominos Pizza aloha chicken double cheesy decker and extra cheese. Fatty. Love mozzarella.
OMG, this post is turning into food I like. Oh well.
4. Coins. Old coins, new coins, proof coins, silver coins, commemorative coins, notes, old notes... Yes. I collect coins. Anything wrong about that? *stares with fists in front of reader's nose* I'M RICH!!!
5. Dogs. Puppies. Dogs. Dogs. Animals. Animal freak. Yesh. I am one. Save the environment! Don't use so many plastic bags if you can help it! You know I saw some documentary on BBC yesterday about the Australian Government asking the people staying by the beach side to move because they say it's not safe to stay there anymore. Unstable? They said the water level is going to rise to 6m or something. I don't know. All I know is, STOP EATING SHARKS FIN SOUP AND KFC. Yes. I'm a freak. Sue me.
Haha. I'll stop here. These are in random order. Or maybe aren't that important to me too. Haha. One of the random posts again.
Ciao. Happy new year!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
2_ 生日: February 20th
3_ 谁传给你的: Michael Boon
4_ 生日想拿到什么礼物: Hmm... My room?
5_ 最近压力大的事: The thought of studying Chinese in form 4.
6_ 想做的事: Fly. XD
7_ 有没有喜欢的人: *thinks hard* Not really.
8_ 跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: Ah? Friends?
9_ 如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: Stop her, listen to her.
10_ 最想和别人去那里: Beach/London. Pick one. =D
11_ 圣诞节想做什么: It's over unless you count the other 11 days of Christmas.. Have fun?
12_ 最想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: Close friends/family.
13_ 最近在做什么: Admiring something in my hands..
14_ 有几个兄弟姐妹: None.
15_ 最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: ABC. Hahahaha. Okay. Ermm.. Taylor Swift's.. Hilary Duff's.. I can't think of one right now.
16_ 喜欢什么颜色: White.
17_ 上厕所会不会冲水: YES.
18_ 喜欢男还是女生: Guys? I guess? Oh! Megan Fox! Then girl it is.
20_ 半夜敢不敢上厕所: LOL. Yeah. Can you sleep with a full bladder?
21_ 你现在最恨谁: No one.
22_ 现在喜欢做什么: Go out. Have fun. Movies. Admire that thing in my hand. =)
23_ 睡相好不好看: Probably not..
24_ 现在的时间: 6:53 PM
25_ 是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: Nope.
26_ 体重多少: Probably 53kg.. Or more...
27_ 今天天气: Sunny. HOT.
28_ 如果忙完了你最想做什么: I dont know.. Depends.
29_ 失眠后会怎样: I'll have dark circles around my eyes, get headaches, start scolding people who woke me up.. LOL.
30_ 你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: NO.
31_ 你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: Not really..
32_ 你有没有吃过夜宵: Yes but not often.
33_ 近期开心的事: Results? Does it count? Because it made me feel depressed too.
34_ 自由对你来说重要吗: Quite.
35_ 你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: Emm? LOL.
36_ 你觉得你比较笨还是聪明: Smart but stupid at times? Haha.
37_ 你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: Mom I think..
38_ 你现在最想看到谁: WJ.. Haha.. Kor kor?
39_ 你爱看戏吗: Yup!
40_ 你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你吗?: I don't hate anybody at the moment.. But I'll say no.. It's mean..
41_ 你打算几时结婚啊: Around 30.
42_ 你喜欢你的生活吗: Yes but no at times..
43_ 相信塔罗牌吗: Not really.
44_ 睡觉前所做的事情: Heheh.. Emm.. Wish my parents goodnight.
45_ 你的偶像: My mom I guess..
46_ 你喜欢的季节: Spring.
47_ 最想去的地方: New York/London/Perth/Sydney/California/Rome.. Anywhere.
48_ 最讨厌怎样的性格的人: Bitchy.
49_ 你会抽烟吗: Nope. Never.
50_ 你会喝酒吗: Yes but I wont drink for the sake of getting drunk.
51_ 你常哭吗: Not really.. But at times...
52_ 你常笑吗: Everyday..
53_ 想睡到几点: 9 or 10?
54_ 朋友和情人你会选谁: Friends.
55_ 机会+命运你会选谁: I don't know.
56_ 你很自恋吗: Maybe? Haha.. For those who really know me...
57_ 你有穿耳洞吗: Yup.
58_ 这问卷多不多: Not really.
59_ 喜欢吃冰吗: Sometimes.
60_ 现在幸福吗: Quite...
61_ 最在乎谁: Everyone? Anybody? Even some old lady I don't know only I don't show it. Heheh.
62_ 房间里最重要的东西是什么: The people living in it and some gadgets and stuff..
63_ 没有朋友你会怎么做: Get some or die trying.
64_ 如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: To save this planet and the people living on it. I'm talking about global warming and poverty, not 2012, stupid.
65_ 这个问题废吗: Very.
67_ 喜欢那个水果: Oranges, anything..
68_ 最怕人家问你什么: Dunno. I'll tell you when you ask me.
69_ 喜欢下雪吗: YES!
70_ 下辈子要做什么: Huh.. I'll think about it when I need to..
71_ 希望再被tag吗: It's fine.
72_ 没事做你喜欢等人吗: Not really.
73_ 你吃饱了没有?: Just had my dinner halfway through this.
74_ 看到問卷你的反應是?: Hmm.. I wonder if I'm tagged.
-写完请点10 位小朋友,不可以不点
-完后请通知那10 位小朋友被点到的小朋友我最爱的你们~看你们幸运被我点到
1. You
2. Yes you.
3. No you.
4. Yes you. Stop looking around.
5. Oh YOU.
6. You.
7. You.
8. You.
9. You.
10. And you. [This is where your name is. But you don't have to do it if you don't want to. ]
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Woohoo! I friggin failed Chinese which came as a shock to me, to be honest. Well, I smiled, then cried, and smiled again and then cried. Basically, I did that the whole morning. So what to do now.. Hmm.. I aimed for 6 A's then now I get 7 and failed Chinese. Wow.. I really don't know what to feel. To be happy? Or sad? I got a little depressed though. And then I sort of.. I don't know what to feel. My mom wasn't mad at me, nor did she scold me. She just stood by me and consoled me. Love her.
I can't give up now. But at the same time, I really, really, really want to give up. You see, I don't HATE Chinese. Nor do I LOVE Chinese. I just dis-like it. And don't get me wrong. I do not dis-like the subject, but the process of learning it. I won't deny the fact that China is getting bigger or whatever you'll lecture me about. No. I don't care. I'll just have to learn that subject, love that subject, get that subject in my SPM results slip and my job is done. It's easy for me to say but the thought of doing it...
I'm just no good in Chinese. My mom keeps telling me about my mindset and how I shut everything up when I get an idea [Am I that stubborn?]. I've been learning it for 9 years. I only started dis-liking the subject in the 4th year. Because of something. And it's been stuck like that ever since. I don't want to put the blame on anyone or anything. I'll just blame myself then. For not learning the subject properly. It just doesn't give me the chance to say 'I love you Chinese! I'm looking forward to the day of your exam to prove myself!'. I just run away from it. Like I always do.
* I use dis-like because it still has the word "like" in it unattached. LOL.
My mom keeps telling me to accept it as a challenge. I'm tired of it. 9 years is really long. Will 2 more hurt? I really want to give up..
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Blah. Christmas. And stuff.
So we had Christmas dinner in advance with kor kor, uncle Mike, that rugrat, po po, eepoh, mummy and papa. In Hardwicke Cafe on Northam Road [did I spell that correctly?]. Was nice. I had mushroom soup, fried rice, fried beehoon, pandan chicken, curry chicken, dhaal, speghetti, salad, fruits, cakes, jelly, 3 scoops of ice cream and a sip of red wine. Red wine. I don't understand why people can possibly drink red wine. It tastes horrible. Not horrible, weird. I took my first sip in France! [Okay, not showing off. I just remembered it.] Back to the buffet. It was free. For me. And my cousin. Yay!
But last year's Christmas was better. Had a nice dinner in the hotel in the middle of nowhere. Where you can see the hills and thick forests meeting the ocean and the horizon. The food was good. Ooh. I forgot to mention where we were. We were in Sarawak! Just the three of us. Whee..
And kor kor broke her promise of celebrating Christmas with me this year.
Anyway, the good thing is, I'm getting presents from England. Yay! Hmm. And probably a new cellphone when they come back?
*feeling down now*
Oh Maxis sucks.
Any suggestions on other broadband services? *doubts that anyone would answer me* So I stay stuck with shitty Maxis. BTW, I'm using the USB thing instead of the huge modem which isn't any better.
*heaves a deep sigh*
Blah. They open two chat rooms one go hiking one go beach. I put mute. Yay.
Okay, I was bored. That was last night. Hmm.. I'm lazy to do homework. Did I mention my mom got me a Chinese tutor? She's great. But you see, I dislike homework. And Mandrin. Ugh. Not dislike lar. No interest. RM 20 per hour. I feel stupid. I guess she's a good teacher though. It still makes me feel like I'm one of those stupid people who need professionals that get paid hourly. Professionals get paid hourly. But I guess RM160 a month is not that bad. Maybe someday I would wake up and realize that 11 years of Chinese is helpful to my future career? I wouldn't know. She's giving me extra lessons. She's quite a good teacher. Open minded too! Oh yeah and I had my lesson in [you remember that lady who got caught using by ISA for reporting about some politician who said that... some thing to do about squatters? Yeah that lady. I forgot her name. I just know I had my lesson in her bedroom.] [I go into details.] [I talk too much]
I miss tuition teacher. No word from her. I hope everything goes well there.
Random thought: why now so near Christmas adi still no nice movies to watch de? The ones with Xmas spirit and stuff.. Like Home Alone 2?
Movies these days aren't that nice. BTW, I want to watch Parent Trap again but I can't find it.
Few hours later...
I still can't bring myself to finish BC homework. *sigh*
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
-chienhuey- says:
ahh. nothing lar.. i get this responses..
wan jian says:
wat lar..
this response very not nice meh??
-chienhuey- says:
not very not nice.
and not very nice.
wan jian says:
where got?
i answer it in my best polite way
-chienhuey- says:
so you could be more rude lar? juz that you spare me only nia?
wan jian says:
tat's rite
-chienhuey- says:
wan jian says:
bla bla bla
-chienhuey- says:
i so annoying meh? i sien ma. ma luan luan call lor. actually not luan luan call la. call you nia. then you answer me like that. eugene also dun chai me de. see la. haha. i annoying rite? haha. hehe. huhu. hoho. BLAH. muahahahahaha/
wan jian says:
u siao ar??
juz a plain yes?? nia ma
nid like that meh?
u're not annoying
-chienhuey- says:
LOL. I'm trying to annoy you
you see
i want to type like that adi.
juz now type so much in one shot
not annoying enough
now you get a lot of messages
wan jian says:
then ar
stop it!!
you're reali annoying
u piss me off
-chienhuey- says:
especially when you're listening to something
no la.
dont lie
wan jian says:
i're the annoying big butt
-chienhuey- says:
eh you going on the 22nd?
wan jian says:
i think so
so we're both goin
-chienhuey- says:
my butt very small nia
i think urs may be bigger than mine
wan jian says:
no way
urs are huge
-chienhuey- says:
eh seriously
my butt small nia
wan jian says:
or watever word tat means tat way
-chienhuey- says:
yay we're going
wan jian says:
time to bed
i want to sleep
bye bye
annoying big butt
shit comes out of butt
-chienhuey- says:
so early ar?
oh ur butt want to rest
tired right? supporting your butt for the whole day
wan jian says:
i sleep early now
not reali
my butt may seem small
but they strong
-chienhuey- says:
so you agmit u have big butt lar?
wan jian says:
mine is small
even if it's realli big
ppl say big butt is sexy
-chienhuey- says:
wan jian says:
yeah of course
why not?
-chienhuey- says:
so you want to be sexy lar?
wan jian says:
not reali
but if god wants me too
then i am
-chienhuey- says:
then you pull God into this conversation.
wan jian says:
cuz we're all created by god.
-chienhuey- says:
Sot eh.
wan jian says:
so it means the whole body of mine is created by god
how it curves
how big my butt is
all of tat
bye bye
-chienhuey- says:
can i blog this conversation?
wan jian says:
of course
-chienhuey- says:
wan jian says:
spread laughter to all the people in the world
-chienhuey- says:
love you butt.
wan jian says:
you too bigger butt
-chienhuey- says:
wan jian says:
-chienhuey- says:
wan jian says:
blog this till the end ar
-chienhuey- says:
wan jian says:
u blog now
i want to see
-chienhuey- says:
wan jian says:
-chienhuey- says:
Saturday, December 12, 2009
There are so many things in my mind. I'm gonna start off with today. I did NOTHING today. Geez. Online whole afternoon, played PSP, listened to mp3 then that's all. I thought kor kor was going to come over in the afternoon to fetch us but she didn't, and I was like starving. So I had instant noodles for breakfast and lunch. I regret waiting. Wasted my time. Mommy wasn't around. She'll only be coming back tomorrow. Stupid dunno what training thing. That made her so hot tempered thinking about it that affected all of us. And papa went to work. I hate holidays. It's driving me insane. I just sit in my room all day and I don't know what I get out of it. Is it even healthy for a 15-year-old to do that?
Ahh.. I thought of something. My cousin sister is acting very weird. Since the last time she came out, she has been very nice to me. Okay, I try not to write names on this blog because it end up in google. I removed her name in one of the posts about her. I removed my name too. I'm paranoid, I know. My mom knows about this blog. She even read a post before. The one about Chinese. But it worked, I guess.. Because she asked me about that. Should I change the URL? Hmm... She brought it up in a conversation with my jiu jiu.. How embarrassing..
Back to my cousin. She sent a text message to me yesterday. I was shocked. It was loooong. And I called her after that. She told me she wants to buy 'one of her phones for me' the one I blogged about earlier. She has 2 phones, you know.. That's really nice of her. =)
I don't know lah.. After PSP, I don't really think material possesions makes me feel happy anymore? I just don't know. Same thing with this laptop. I don't feel excited or whatever I'm supposed to feel when someone buys me something. I even feel a bit guilty for asking for it because I don't know how to repay that person. Besides, the PSP was in my mom's closet for half the time. Maybe that's how people get hooked on drugs or alchohol? Or maybe just like my cousin when she buys things or gets things because the more you do something, you want more to feel the thrill, the excitement but in order to get that, you'll have to increase the dosage. More and more then you'll get hooked. In my cousin's case, she has so many things. Every thing that a child could imagine and does she feel happy? Does she know how to appreciate those things? And she gets more. She doesn't even have to ask for that. Camera, phone, laptop, iPod, PSP.. You name it. She has 3 sets of Monopoly. Seriously. And just now, she asked for another set. I should have recorded the conversation going on between her and her mom. It's ridiculous. Not that I'm saying SHE is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm defending her but it isn't her fault. She's just a child. She'll never learn the value of money. How much her dad has to work to pay for her education. She's so lucky and she doesn't even know it. But it isn't her fault...
Okay, enough of that. Hehe.. She's niceeeeee. And I'll be nice to her too.
What else to write? It's 10:23 now.
She's going off on the 15th of December. Okay, I'll probably say who she is. She's my tuition teacher. She taught me for 5 years. If not for her, I probably wouldn't have gotten 5 A's in UPSR. And I won't be here. In 2A or in 3A. Haha.. Actually all she did was tell me that I was going to fail a lot of subjects then I started working hard. Haha.. But she did teach me a lot.. All the same.. I owe her a 'thank you'. I should get her a gift. Hmm.. But what?
Oh yeah I found Taylor Swift's blog. But not much de.. I'm beginning to like her. A lot. She's cool. Haha.. Monologue song. So funny.
La La La Ha Ha Ha
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hilary Duff - Metamorphosis









Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cam whores!!! Random order.
And the others were taken in Gurney. Oh btw, I figured out where the RM3 went! A&W root beer.







Ok ok. Boon is disturbing me about this post.
Stupid thing. Now why can enlarge pictures by clicking on it?? Why last time cannot? Gahhhhh.
Friday, December 4, 2009
I really, really, really, really, really want my own room. I really want it. And that made me lose my temper the other day. I waited for like ten years. I don't know what to tell them. So this is my true feelings. I don't mean to hurt them, but the other day, I accidentally let it slip, because I was really frustrated. I don't want to go into details here about what I said, but I know that it hurt someone. 10 whole years. I even drew a sketch of my room a few years back. I still have it here. But they don't want to help me. And, like my mom said, we have no authority in this house. No authority to even throw rubbish away because they go through the rubbish. Get this, they go through the rubbish. Gosh. It sucks. We have antiques in this house. Furniture that are over a hundred years. Yes, that is a good thing, but keeping stuff that you think that you can use in the future and instead, storing it isn't a good idea. That is why the whole house is full of THINGS. Things everywhere.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
One word to describe today? Expensive. RM 50 leh. I spent ALL. I kena questioned lor. Plus that RM 5 which is totally a waste. Note to self: I still owe WJ RM 2. I really dunno what I spent on.
WL, WJ, Yong Jin, me, Shan, Eugene. The day started with McD in sunrise tower. Around RM 9. Then walked to gurney. Movie ticket RM 6. Went to play ting ting. I think I spent RM 2 there. 1 token for Dance Dance Revolution, which, as expected, I totally sucked at. Hey, first timer, okay? Lost badly to WL. Then 1 token for the machine drum thingy. Sucked at it too. Then where did we go? The Nike shop to see Eugene's shoes. Or that instrument shop 1st? Forget already. Didn't buy anything. So no difference. Then movie hor? OMG. I have suck short-term memory. New Moon was boring. I'm begining to dislike love stories adi. Boring mannn! I could sleep reading them. But chic lits are okay. Haha. Oh wait, isn't it the same? Aiyah. Dunno. Chic lits are more realistic right? Whereas love stories are just so... Innocent and it doesn't really happen in real life... Dunno.. Don't listen to me. I'm not in my right mind now. Haha. Back to New Moon. I like Taylor Lautner. Hehe. I like Robert Pattinson too, just that I like him more in Harry Potter and the GOF. Where he plays Cedric Diggory. And Dakota Fanning!!! Oh yeah, and that girl who plays Alice too! She's cute. Yeah, I go hunting for hot guys when I watch movies. Haha. And sometimes girls too XD. After movie, McD [again]. I'm not sure how much leh. Make it RM 11 lah. Then Redbox. Was fun. But PAID RM 5 MORE BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE SAID THEY WERE COMING BUT BACKED OUT IN THE END. So everybody had to pay RM 5 more to cover for them. So that makes it RM 15. After all of them went home, me and WJ had difficulty finding food to eat because I had like RM 4 left and she had RM 11. So after Redbox, Yong Jin and WL went home followed by Shan then Eugene. So me and WJ decided to go to the hawker stall near sunrise tower [again] to have dinner. Which I had difficulty to pay for because I had RM4 in my purse. Then we went for a stroll on Gurney Drive. Stop right here. I want to count money first.
I brought 47 dollars out nia meh? So I spent 49 in total? Gah. Or I got it wrong?
My pocket has a big hole in it.
Tired. Sleepy. Photos next post. Maybe. Whatever. Goodnight everyone.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ok, calmed down. I have to feel sleepy. You know why? Not enough sleep. I sleep like 2 or maybe 3 in the morning and wake up at 8 or 9. I can't even sleep in the afternoon. If I start sleeping in the afternoon, I'll have trouble sleeping at night again. Really frustrating. And I start to get headaches. Maybe the last one was because of the bad dream I had. Hmm.. Maybe. Keep it up and I'll have migraines. Yeah. I had them once. Vomitted a whole lot. In school. *shudder to think about it*
This is worse than PMR. During PMR, I had no problem sleeping. Well, before PMR, to be exact, to escape from studying. During PMR is another story. But this is not the point. I can't get myself to rest.
I think I'm gonna get braces. Haha. I think nia. Haha. I think I want to learn French. By myself. Heheh. Can I? I only know like 11 phrases.
Bon nuit
Bon appetit
Merci beaucoup
Au revoir
Comment allez-vous?
Bien, merci.
Sil vous plait
Je t'aime
Haha. That's like 10. And a few more I can pronounce but can't type. Eh. I dunno correct or not leh. I just typed from my memory nia. OMG this is sooo random.
Okay. Back to braces. Haha. I dunno why. I know the dentists told me to get them. They said my bite is not correct. And I went to the orthodontist's and got a free consultation. He told me I have to have them on for 1 1/2 years, I mean one and a half years. [looks like 11. LOL] And he said RM 3000+. Shit lar. Then my mom said go to Adventist Hospital. She said she heard cheap and good. [Although, personally, I don't think there's such thing in the world as cheap and good.] I know lar. My teeth aren't that crooked. Anyway, I had to put on bite plate when I was like 12? When I could have fixed my bite but I didn't have them on for long because I can't eat and talk properly. And even then, I had to put on temporary braces. So...
WTH. So random.
I'll try to go to sleep now.