Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ha... It worked! Yaay!!!

Just now can't login to facebook, Blogger not workin' properly [and I couldn't blog], Youtube not loading, MSN mailbox running slow and so on. Until I exited MSN and Skype, closed down all the windows and tabs except this one and it finally worked.

Today was not a good day for me. Don't get me started. I'd probably cry on the keyboard [kidding]. But today was BAD.

So I'd jsut blog about the last few days.

During the last few days, I realized something. That I can't live without, and I am totally addicted to chocolates. I can't remember a day without chocolates. Chocolates make me happy. It's like turning to drugs or alchohol but something that doesn't kill in a long run [probably put on a few kilos a month]. And now I'm starting to have a sore throat. Shit.

And American Idol! America voted Matt out this week. He sang good though. I like him. But he may not be good enough I guess... I like Kris XD. Despite people telling me that he sucks.

Friggin' lappie. URGH!!!

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