Saturday, December 12, 2009


So sien leh... So I decided to blog something... Something... I don't know what, exactly.. So I'll just make things up along the way.. Haha.

There are so many things in my mind. I'm gonna start off with today. I did NOTHING today. Geez. Online whole afternoon, played PSP, listened to mp3 then that's all. I thought kor kor was going to come over in the afternoon to fetch us but she didn't, and I was like starving. So I had instant noodles for breakfast and lunch. I regret waiting. Wasted my time. Mommy wasn't around. She'll only be coming back tomorrow. Stupid dunno what training thing. That made her so hot tempered thinking about it that affected all of us. And papa went to work. I hate holidays. It's driving me insane. I just sit in my room all day and I don't know what I get out of it. Is it even healthy for a 15-year-old to do that?

Ahh.. I thought of something. My cousin sister is acting very weird. Since the last time she came out, she has been very nice to me. Okay, I try not to write names on this blog because it end up in google. I removed her name in one of the posts about her. I removed my name too. I'm paranoid, I know. My mom knows about this blog. She even read a post before. The one about Chinese. But it worked, I guess.. Because she asked me about that. Should I change the URL? Hmm... She brought it up in a conversation with my jiu jiu.. How embarrassing..

Back to my cousin. She sent a text message to me yesterday. I was shocked. It was loooong. And I called her after that. She told me she wants to buy 'one of her phones for me' the one I blogged about earlier. She has 2 phones, you know.. That's really nice of her. =)

I don't know lah.. After PSP, I don't really think material possesions makes me feel happy anymore? I just don't know. Same thing with this laptop. I don't feel excited or whatever I'm supposed to feel when someone buys me something. I even feel a bit guilty for asking for it because I don't know how to repay that person. Besides, the PSP was in my mom's closet for half the time. Maybe that's how people get hooked on drugs or alchohol? Or maybe just like my cousin when she buys things or gets things because the more you do something, you want more to feel the thrill, the excitement but in order to get that, you'll have to increase the dosage. More and more then you'll get hooked. In my cousin's case, she has so many things. Every thing that a child could imagine and does she feel happy? Does she know how to appreciate those things? And she gets more. She doesn't even have to ask for that. Camera, phone, laptop, iPod, PSP.. You name it. She has 3 sets of Monopoly. Seriously. And just now, she asked for another set. I should have recorded the conversation going on between her and her mom. It's ridiculous. Not that I'm saying SHE is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm defending her but it isn't her fault. She's just a child. She'll never learn the value of money. How much her dad has to work to pay for her education. She's so lucky and she doesn't even know it. But it isn't her fault...

Okay, enough of that. Hehe.. She's niceeeeee. And I'll be nice to her too.

What else to write? It's 10:23 now.

She's going off on the 15th of December. Okay, I'll probably say who she is. She's my tuition teacher. She taught me for 5 years. If not for her, I probably wouldn't have gotten 5 A's in UPSR. And I won't be here. In 2A or in 3A. Haha.. Actually all she did was tell me that I was going to fail a lot of subjects then I started working hard. Haha.. But she did teach me a lot.. All the same.. I owe her a 'thank you'. I should get her a gift. Hmm.. But what?

Oh yeah I found Taylor Swift's blog. But not much de.. I'm beginning to like her. A lot. She's cool. Haha.. Monologue song. So funny.

La La La Ha Ha Ha