Friday, November 12, 2010

Welcome to the world of money. Where money is everything.

PICCHAAASS. Since I haven't posted anything informative [not that this post is informative] for a long time, I'm going to introduce you to a world of.. MONEY. No, not the materialistic type of money, the money you use. Notes and coins from my collection. Hehe. I've been talking about it for a very long time but I haven't really elaborated about it yet. So here goes nothing,

Straits settlement notes! The most handsome dude I've seen on money. Cute isn't he? LOL. Anyway, this is only 50 cents. That's th largest value I have in this series. In those days, 50 cents is a hell lot of money.

5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents.

All my notes. Can you see Malaysia?

Old Hong Kong Dollars.

NEW ZEALAND! Oh New Zealand. And those at the top are Australia. I think I have the complete set of NZ and Aussie notes.

Malaysia1 Not complete yet. Yes, Complere to you, but not complete to me. I need to find the old  fifty dollar note without the silver thingy on the right hand side. Anyone know what I am talkng about?

My favourite! Pounds! Kor kor gave them to me during Chinese New Year. The old ones are from papa when he studied there. Scottish dollar too! I don't think they have them now? And Euros, Piso, Singaporean dollars, Korean and Japanese Yen on your right.

Oh don't be fooled by the tissue paper. The box easily weights 3 kg.

The 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.

Celebrating the birth of Prince William! Not a proof coin though. On the left is Malaysia and on the right is Singapore.

AHHH! MY FAVOURITE MINT! They have everything there! From Barbie to Transformers. COINS! I wanted the Steve Irwin coin though. But it was sold out. Transformers had a mintage of 5,000 only. I'm not THAT lucky.

BUTTT, I GOT THE BARBIE COIN! The one on the right is nice also! Got hologram somemore lo! Of the Southern Lights leh! Who knew Australia owned part of the South Pole? SOUTHERN LIGHTS LEH! You know how siao I am right? I WANNA SEE IT BEFORE I DIE! Erm, on the right is a Barbie Commemorative coin.

One is minted in Perth and the other one in the Royal Australian Mint. The Barbie Coin was issused by the Governmen of Tuvalu. You know where it is? Haha. I know! It's north east of Australia. A group of islands if I'm not mistaken. See, collecting coins can help you in Geography.

Ahh, kor kor bought the gold sovereign there. My cousin's hometown or whatever she says lah. She's been living in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore since she was born.

Yes yes. This. This is the Royal Coat of Arms.

Queen Victoria. Dated back to 1853. Teehee.

Ohoh! I got this from Perth Mint too!

Papa's old coin album. Let's see what's inside.

Oh. This. Haha. This isn't supposed to be inside. But I got to admit, nice photography skills there! Good job! :P

Yes yes, this, My favourite coin from the pile. From Netherlands no? I don't know. I tried to Google about it once and what I got is the same coin but without the design sticking out. I like it more like that leh. Makes it special.

Francs! They don't have it anymore. :-(
All the currency in Europe change to Euro jor. No more Frans liao. Only Britain.

This is from India. Pure silver, Goddess Lakshmi. The Goddess of wealth!

A brief tour of my drawer. I have much more than that, actually. I said brief. I have coins dated back to the 19th century too! Oops. 2 hours blogging! Gotta off. Bais!

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